Call For Short Papers
The first edition of MAROC Workshop 2013 on Models and Algorithms for Reliable and Open Computing which will be held in Tetouan (Morocco) on December 16, 2013.
We invite submissions of short papers in relation with the following themes:
- Software Engineering
- Verification and Validation
- Component-based Systems
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- Cloud and Grid Computing
- Distributed Systems
Important dates
Paper Submission | November 10 November 13, 2013 (Extended) |
Notification to Authors | November 30, 2013 |
Camera-ready version | December 8, 2013 |
Registration Deadline | December 9, 2013 |
MAROC 2013 | December 16, 2013 |
Paper Presentation
Prospective authors should submit PDF versions of their paper. Papers should be between 2 and 4 pages, including figures and appendices. All papers must be written in English. Papers should be in a two-column format with reasonable margins.
Accepted papers will be presented both during the plenary session and the poster session.
The PDF of the Call for Papers is available here: MAROC 2013 Call for Papers